Oliver Curting and Eva Marie Egsmose split

Oliver Curting and Eva Marie Egsmose split

Posted on mandag, 28 aug 2017, 12:13 by admin
Read: 5.181

The Danish 10-Dance champions from 2016, Oliver Curting and Eva Marie Egsmose decided to split up after over two years of dancing together. They were 3rd Danish Ballroom (WDC federation) couple, in top 48 in Blackpool and top 20 at Dutch Open. Se more results.

They said: It has been an extremelly tough decision for us, but we were certain it was a right one. We we're both awesome partners-somehow, we just don't fit. We thank our teachers and coaches, Sarah Francis Udell, Ieva Pauksena, Davide Morelli and Marat & Alina.

Both of them are now looking for new partners to continue their careers in Amateur Ballroom.
